11/19/2020 // Day 9: Sign Up for Mike Corrao’s New Class, Surface Studies


It’s day 9, and as we approach the end of our announcements, we’re excited to share a completely new facet of 11:11 Press. Beginning this January, 11:11 will be hosting a series of online classes.

The first will be taught by the experimental author, Mike Corrao, and together you will explore the textual environment in a class called Surface Studies.


That’s Great! But what is Surface Studies?

 Good question. Here’s what Mike has to say:

Surface Studies is a four-week class exploring the premise of the book as an object and the page as a surface. Over the course of four one-hour sessions, we will discuss and analyze various techniques that authors and artists have used in rendering the text as a dynamically haptic space—as something that is not necessarily read but rather navigated, surveyed, and interacted with.

Each week we will discuss a distinct facet of surface studies: text as object, text as organism, text as performance space, text as interface. Two short digital readings will be provided, along with an optional print reading for those interested in seeing full-lengths examples.

Sessions will begin with a lecture about the week’s topic and end with a discussion amongst participants. I will also provide feedback and discuss any works that are made by participants in response to the course during its duration. My hope is that each session will function as both an independent survey of the topic at hand, and as part of this larger discussion of surface studies.


That sounds wild. When is it? How do I sign up?

The class will be held on Thursdays at 7:00PM CST beginning on January 7th and will run through January 28th. Those interested in the class can go to our webstore to sign-up. We’ve put the class together using a pay-what-you-can model. Seats are available for anywhere between $30 and $80 USD. And for those experiencing financial hardship, assistance is available upon request (please contact newprojects@1111press.com)


We are excited to offer this class! There are only fifteen seats available, so if you want in, sign up sooner than later.

 If you’re on the fence, don’t worry, click this link to download a pdf of the syllabus.


Andrew WiltComment